Asset Inspection Management Software
Asset Inspection Management Software - Some Customers

Case Study - The Benefits of Implementing Asset Management Inspection Software

Download Asset Inspection Software Case Study
How Will Asset and Equipment Inspection Software Help Me?
- Getting Started
- Other Features
- Industries
- Types of Inspections
- Simplify The Inspection Process
- Dashboards
- Custom Report Builder
- Return on Investment
Getting Started with IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management Software
IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management Software provides customers with the tools to manage their asset inspections.
- The system is fully hosted, with a Mobile App that is available in all the stores.
- The Mobile App will work on any Smart Phone or Tablet and can also be used on rugged Android devices.
- IMEC provides full on-boarding to every customer to ensure that each customer gets a return on their investment.
- On going live with the Asset Inspection Management software, IMEC provides full after sales support. Customers get access to a knowledge base and videos to help with support. These resources will answer any questions they may have.
Asset Inspection Software – Some Features
The system provides for an unlimited number of assets to be managed with IMEC’s Asset and Equipment Inspection Software.
• Unlimited Inspection Types means you can Inspect any Asset Type. Asset Types can be reported on separately. Example Asset Types are Vehicles, Boilers, Production Machines, Forktrucks.
• The Mobile App runs on any Smart Phone or Tablet, iOS, Android and Windows 10. Rugged Android devices are also supported. Scanning an Asset QR Code using the Mobile App will start the inspection. Simply scan the asset label barcode to start the inspection using the camera or barcode scanner on the mobile device.
• This is a fully hosted inspection software solution. All customer data is stored in a Secure Cloud Service (Tier 4). The Mobile Inspection App is in all of the App Stores.
• The Mobile Inspection App will perform any type of asset inspection. The software can be used as an Asset and Equipment Inspection solution. Also an Asset tracking Solution and many more. Other Use Cases are inspecting Equipment, Vehicles, Routine Inspections and Building Inspections. A complete Asset Inspection Software Solution.
• The system is used in many sectors as an Asset Inspection Management Software solution. Customers perform Daily, Weekly, Monthly Inspections, Routine Inspections to Improve Compliance and efficiency.
• The system provides assurance that customers always know the status of their assets. This helps maintain Compliance with Regulations. A complete history of All Asset Inspections is available with closed Corrective Actions.
• Inspecting By Area, allows the user to inspect all assets in a Building. Inspections are Never Missed. Full Inspection Scheduling for any number of Days, Weeks, Months or Years.
• The Asset Inspection History which is available from any Web Browser. No data is ever deleted. The Asset Inspection History aids compliance. This asset inspection software is used in many sectors including Healthcare, Manufacturing, Food Production, Mining and Higher Education.
What types of Organisations use IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management Software ?
Any organization in any sector or industry can use IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management Solution. The system manages all asset inspection programs. Industries where the software is used include:
- Healthcare
- Universities and Colleges
- Manufacturing or Industrial
- Food Production
- Distribution and Logistics
- Aerospace and Airports, Aviation
- Facilities Management and Building Management
- Environmental Services
What Inspections Can IMEC’s Asset Management Inspection Software Manage?
IMEC’s Asset Management Inspection Software System can be used to inspect anything. Use cases include Assets, Equipment, Life Safety and Buildings. Examples are:
- IT Equipment
- Fork trucks
- Production Machines
- Emergency Lights
- Signage
- HVAC Units
- Cranes and Lifting Equipment
- Elevators
- Fire Fighting Equipment
- Production Equipment
- Buildings
- Workplaces
- Other Routine Inspections
Asset Inspection Software. Simplify the Inspection Process for Asset Inspections.
IMEC’s Asset and Equipment Inspection Software is a flexible Inspection Software Solution. This Inspection Software Solution can be used to inspect anything. Then solution will improve the efficiency of your inspection process. Save time and standardize the inspection of your equipment and assets. Use cases include:
- Life Safety Inspection Software
- Equipment Inspection Software
- General Asset Inspection Software.
Examples of items managed using IMEC’s asset management inspection software are:
- IT Equipment
- Vehicles
- Warehouse Racking
- Emergency Lights
- Exit Signs
- Emergency Showers
- Fork trucks
- Doors
- Life Boats
- Cranes
- Ladders
- Elevators
- Boilers
- Emergency Equipment
- Production Equipment
- Facilities
- Waste Areas
- Cleaning
- Routine Inspections
IMEC’s asset inspection software is a powerful tool for any Asset Inspector. The Mobile Inspection App will work on any mobile device, iOS, Android and Windows 10. The system is fully cloud based, there is nothing to install and can be implemented very quickly in any type of company. All data is saved securely in the cloud, in a Tier 4 hosted environment. The software provides unlimited flexible inspection categories. Inspection categories can be used to create groups of inspection points or assets. Therefore allowing users to manage all types of asset inspections.
Reports and Dashboards within IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management System?
There’s a Dashboard Builder within IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management System. Customers can build their own Dashboards and Reports. The Dashboards and Reports will help manage all inspections within your company. Full training is given on the Dashboard Builder. This allows customers build their own dashboards to meet their needs.
Standard Dashboards in IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management System include:
Inspection Statistics – provides Inspections completed on Time rates. The Inspection Activity Each month for Each Asset type. Examples are Vehicles, Boilers, Fork Trucks and Production Equipment. The Dashboards show Pass / Fail Rates for each Asset Type. Dashboards are Filtered by Date and Facility.
Missed Inspections – provides an up to date list of All missed Asset Inspections. The Dashboard shows Location, Asset and Due Date. Result of the Previous Inspection, Pass or Fail.
Locations Overview – shows the Asset Inspections Completed by Location. This can be for each Inspector in Each Location.
Corrected On Site – how often are issues with an asset corrected during an inspection. The Dashboard shows the rate at which assets are corrected. This is shown for each Asset or Equipment Type, the Top 10 Questions on Forms that are Corrected On Site. Corrected on site gives managers data on problems that need to be addressed.
Many Other Reports and Dashboards can be built. Manage all your inspections, IT Asset Inspections, Production Equipment Inspections, Vehicle Inspections. Any type of Asset Inspection.
Report Builder within IMEC’s Asset Inspection Management Software?
IMEC’s Inspection Report Builder meets customers reporting needs. This is part of IMEC’s Asset Inspection System. The Inspection Report Builder provides customers with custom reporting. Inspection Reports can be summary or detail. Reports can easily emailed to users or managers.
The detail inspection report show the completed forms or checklists. This is for each completed Asset Inspection. The report can be for any Asset Type. These reports help if an auditor needs proof of an inspection.
There are summary Asset Inspection Reports also. Summary Reports can be for any Asset Type or for a facility or building. Reports show all completed inspections within a date range. There are other filter options. Options such as Type of Inspection, Building or Area. The Inspection summary report shows asset, result, comment.
Asset Inspection Summary Report is very powerful. The report lists completed inspections. Summary Reports have header sections that are completely tailor-able. Customers can print their Logo on Inspection Reports. Inspection Reports can be emailed after each inspection.
IMEC provide full Report Builder training to customers. This gives you the ability to build your own reports.
Asset and Equipment Inspection Software – What is the Likely Return on Investment?
Consider the items below when working out the return on investment. Returns you can expect from an asset and equipment inspection software solution include:
- The amount of time employees spend manually doing each asset inspection.
- The average hourly wage of employees doing the asset inspection.
- The amount of time performing data entry and filing for each asset inspection.
- The average hourly wage of employees that do data entry and filing.
- The amount of time it takes to answer a query about an asset or inspection.
Use the above information to work out your return on investment. All this information is available within IMEC’s Asset and Equipment Inspection Software. Asset and Equipment Inspection Software solutions that have a Mobile Inspection App give a high returns. Use this data to prove your return.