Hospital Inspection Software
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Hospital Inspection Software - Some Customers

Case Study - The Benefits of Implementing Safety Inspection Software in Healthcare - Englewood Health

Download Englewood Health Inspection Software Case Study
- Key Features
- Other Features
- Getting Started
- Scope of Inspections
- Simplify Inspection Process
- Dashboards
- Fire and Life Safety Inspection Requirements Hospitals
Software to Manage All Hospital Inspections – Key Features
The IMEC Inspection Software solution for Hospitals and Health Centers provides a key set of features to ensure that these organizations can meet their responsibilities with regards to Fire and Life Safety, NFPA 99 for The Joint Commission or other Authorities having Jurisdiction. Key features include:
- Inspection Routes can be defined through the facility that will Ensure No Inspections are Missed
- Monthly Reports of All Completed Inspections both summary and in dashboard format
- Central location for hospital wide inspection results
- Allows hospitals and healthcare facilities to Inspect Anything, Fire Doors, Emergency Showers, AED’s, Eyewash Stations, Anything etc.
- Automatic Email Alerts can provided to Let Managers Know of Any Missed Inspections
- Corrective Actions can be generated For any Failed Inspections, with Email Notifications, deadlines and escalation.
- Manages a Full Inventory of all Devices at every Location, Full Tracking of Movable Items
- Use Any Barcode Or Pick Items From A List
- Optional Forced Scanning of Barcodes is available to ensure that the correct Inspection point, location is being inspected. A key feature for answering queries during an audit.
Inspection Software for Health Care – Other Features
There is no limit to the number of items that can be scanned or tracked. Manage all inspections with IMEC’s Inspection Software.
• Unlimited Inspection Types means you can Inspect any type of asset of equipment and perform EOC rounds. Inspection Types give an easy way of adding New Types. Examples are Eye Wash Stations, Emergency Showers, AED’s.
• There is No need for pricey Barcode Scanners. IMEC’s Hospital Inspection System Mobile App runs on all devices. Customers can use Rugged, Android Devices if they wish.
• There is Nothing to Install. All customer data is stored in a Secure Cloud Service (Tier 4). Get the App from the App Stores.
• One Mobile Inspection App that performs any type of inspection. The software can be used as an Hospital Inspection Software system. Other Uses are inspecting Equipment, Vehicles and Buildings. A complete Safety Inspection Solution.
• Make Sure you are always ready for an audit. Maintain Compliance with NFPA, The Joint Commission and other AHJ’s. History of All Inspections shows closed Corrective Actions. Track failures against Fire Codes.
• Inspecting By Area, allows the user to perform all items in a Building. Inspections are Never Missed. Full Inspection Scheduling for any number of Days, Weeks, Months or Years.
• A Full History of Completed Inspections on the web. The Inspection History aids compliance in Hospitals, Colleges and Industrial companies. IMEC’s Fire Extinguisher Inspection Tracking Software manages all types of inspections.
Getting Started with IMEC’s Hospital Inspection Software System
IMEC can provide everything you need.
- There’s nothing to Install. IMEC simply send you a link with your logon details for the system.
- Download the Mobile App from the Store and Logon.
- No need for Mobile Computers. IMEC’s Inspection Software Mobile App works on all Devices. Devices can be supplied if needed.
- We train your staff. Training covers everything in IMEC’s Hospital Inspection System. We use the train the trainer approach.
- We provide you with full support. We make sure that you get the system up and running as fast as possible.
- IMEC can supply barcode labels to suit both indoor and outdoor use and suitable for use even after cleaning using chemicals. You can also use your own barcode labels.
What Can I Inspect with IMEC’s Hospital Inspection Software System ?
IMEC’s Inspection Software can be used to inspect anything. Use cases include Fire and Life Safety, Medical Equipment, Facility Inspections, Environment of Care, Hazardous Waste Areas and Buildings. Examples are:
- Eye Wash Stations
- Emergency Lights
- Exit Signs
- Emergency Showers
- Boilers
- Fire Doors
- Lifeboats
- Cranes
- Ladders
- Elevators
- Emergency Equipment
- Medical Equipment
- Facilities
- Waste Areas
- Cleaning
Simplify the Inspection Process within Hospitals
IMEC’s Inspection Software can be used as a Hospital Safety Inspection Software Solution. This Inspection Software can be used to inspect anything. Use cases include:
- Fire and Life Safety Inspection Software
- Equipment Inspection Software
- General Safety Inspection Software.
- Hospital Inspection Software
- Facilities Inspection Software
Examples of items managed using IMEC’s inspection software are:
- Eye Wash Station
- Emergency Lights
- Exit Signs
- Emergency Showers
- Kitchen Hoods
- Fire Alarms
- Fire Pumps
- Fire Doors
- Fire Extinguishers
- Ladders
- Elevators
- Boilers
- Emergency Equipment
- Medical Equipment
- Facilities
- Waste Areas
- Cleaning
IMEC’s Inspection Software is a powerful tool for any hospital Safety Inspector. The software provides unlimited flexible inspection categories. Inspection categories can be used to create groups of inspection points. Therefore allowing users to manage all types of fire, life safety EOC rounds inspections.
Dashboards within IMEC’s Inspection Software for Hospitals
There’s a Dashboard Builder within IMEC’s Hospital Inspection System. Customers can build their own Dashboards and Reports. The Dashboards and Reports will manage all inspections within the hospital. Full training is given on the Dashboard Builder. This allows customers build their own dashboards to meet their needs.
Standard Dashboards include:
Inspection Statistics – provides Inspections completed on Time rates. The Inspection Activity Each month for Each Safety Device. Examples are Fire Doors, Fire Extinguishers, E Lights. The Dashboards show Pass / Fail Rates for each Safety Device. Dashboards are Filtered by Date and Facility.
Missed Inspections – provides an up to date list of All missed Inspections. The Dashboard shows Location, Inspection Point and Due Date. Result of the Previous Inspection, Pass or Fail.
Locations Overview – shows the Inspections Completed by Location. This can be for each Inspector in Each Location.
Corrected On Site – how often are issues corrected during an inspection. The Dashboard shows the rate items are corrected. This is shown for each Safety Device or Equipment Type. The Top 10 Questions on Forms that are Corrected On Site. Corrected on site gives managers data on problems to be addressed.
Many Other Reports and Dashboards can be built. Manage all your inspections. Fire Extinguisher Inspections, Fire Door Inspections, Environment Of Care Inspections, Medical Equipment Inspections. Any type of Safety Inspections.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 Life Safety Code (LSC) and NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code (HCFC) requirements are a set of fire protection requirements designed to provide a reasonable degree of safety from fire. It covers construction, protection, and operational features designed to provide safety from fire, smoke, and panic.
The Health Care Facilities Code is a set requirements intended to provide minimum requirements for the installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, performance and safe practices for facilities, material, equipment and appliances.
The basic fire and life safety requirements for facilities participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs is compliance with the 2012 edition of the National Fire Protection Association 101 Life Safety Code and NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services partners with State Agencies to assess facilities for compliance with the Life Safety Code requirements.
The Joint Commission requirement for inspection of fire extinguishers is once per calendar month. There is no minimum and maximum requirement for the interval of days between monthly inspections, but best practice is to maintain an interval as close to 30 days as reasonably possible.