Inspections & Audits

Using Checklists when performing Safety Inspections ensures that your Inspections are completed in a consistent, repeatable and controlled manner. Checklists are created and approved for use on the Web Portal, and then once approved, can be used in the Inspection App.
For each Step on a checklist you can have Custom Step Responses - this ensures the response is always appropriate for the question, e.g. 'Yes, No, Not Applicable'.
When building the Checklist, you can determine what response is a Pass / Fail, and you can specify if a Corrective Action is to be generated automatically on a Fail. Corrective Actions are sent to the appropriate person and can be managed using the To Do List feature in the Inspection App. You can also specify if a Comment & Photo Capture is mandatory for a certain Step Response.
Checklists can also be used to capture Text Inputs, Numeric Inputs, Date Input, Signature Capture, GPS Location, QR Codes / Barcodes. QR Codes / Barcodes can be used to trigger the inspection to commence, the user simply scans the code of the item to be inspected and the inspection will start. A wide range of QR Codes / Barcodes are supported as standard.
Capture & Annotate Photos
Capture QR Codes/Barcodes
Record Audio Clips
Capture GPS Co-ordinates
Attach Comments
Signature Capture
Custom Step Responses
Conditional Logic

Planning & Scheduling

The Planning & Scheduling feature allows you to quickly and easily Schedule & Assign Safety Inspections. Any Safety Inspection that is done on a regular frequency will automatically get scheduled and will appear on the users To Do list on the Inspector Safety Inspection App. Inspection Routes can be created to guide the user performing the inspections to each of the locations or items that requires inspection.
Inspections Automatically Scheduled
Easily Reschedule and / or Reassign
To Do list on Mobile App
Inspection Routes

Incidents, Hazards and Near Misses

Incidents, Hazards, and Near Misses are reported via the Incident Management Mobile App. The process of reporting an event is very intuitive, with no training required, and the information that is captured during the process is customizable. The operator can capture and annotate images as part of the submission. The submissions can also be anonymous.
Anonymous Submission
Resolve Address Using GPS
User Defined Categories, Vehicle, Personal Injury etc
Custom Forms

Corrective and Preventive Actions(CAPA's)

Corrective and Preventive Actions can be created and assigned automatically as a result of a Inspection step failure, from an Observation or as part of Incident Management. CAPA's are automatically assigned an Expected Resolution Date. Rules can be configured to perform automatic assignment based on a range of criteria, including location, type of incident etc. CAPA's can be managed using the Mobile App or the Web App.
Automatically Created & Assigned
Workflows for Resolution

Safety Walk-Arounds

The Observations feature within the IMEC Safety Inspection App is a great way to perform Safety Walk-Arounds and to record each of the hazards that you come across during the walk-around. Each hazard can be given a priority according to the potential injuries that might occur as a result of workers being exposed to the hazards. Corrective Actions can be generated and allocated to the appropriate persons with a deadline for resolution.


Recommendations can be used as a method of informing others of a possible safety improvement or safety enhancement that is relevant to the group. Recommendations are shared with users or groups, the recipients can reflect their opinion on the recommendation within the Web App. Recommendations allow safety managers to share best safety practice with colleagues.

Online and Offline

All IMEC Apps can operate with or without connection to the internet. All data is stored securely on the device and is uploaded to the cloud once an internet connection becomes available.

Smart Phones & Tablets - iOS, Android & Windows

All IMEC Apps can be used with any Smart Phone or Tablet, Devices running iOS, Android and Windows and can be used with specialist rugged devices or devices designed for use in explosive areas(ATEX) / intrinsically safe devices.


See all the features of the IMEC Safety Management Solution